A New Member of the Family

Assalamualaikum..wr. wb
Hello everybody...😶.Now I want  to share my english lesson. Today, I study about the title a new member of family. and then, miss dini (my lecturer) ordered us to make a group ot discuss about this title.
Group Members :
- Indra Amin Jaya
- David Gerry
- Diva Feraldy
- Ziat Ferdi


 A. Pre-Reading Question
  1. Robots will make our lives better in the daily activity. because they are can help us to do our  daily household task while we go to do any activity else. Robots will make our lives worse because with robots human will loses their work because in industries anything has been worked by robot.
  2. we want to see in the future if the robots can bring us to anywere that we want (teleport machine)
B. Reading
          read the text. highlight an interesting idea in each paragraf.
  1. This trend will allow us to live richer live us robots take over boring housework duties.
  2. computing power  is now cheap and powerful enough to serve as this brain. Babies brains develop rapidly. Second, cameras, GPS, and voice recognition software enable robots to react to the world around them. The cost of these systems has fallen rapidly, but their power has increased.
  3. Robots will free us from useless household duties and prevent us from being lonely.
C. Identifiying topic and main idea
  1. (c) Robots in the home
  2. (a) Robots will improve our lives in many ways.
E. Identifiying Opinions
  • (A) All technology has done is to make our lives busier and more dependent on machines than ever.
  1. Airline pilot, : Agree, because in this era, people has developed airline without pilot or we called autopilots airline so i think with robot become a pilot i think in the future robot can make a flight more safetier than now.
  2. Cook : Disagree, because i love my mother and i think robots can making a cook more delicious than a human.
  3. Doctor : Disagree, because i don't want an error occurs malpractice if the doctor is a robot.
  4. Police Officer : Disagree, because i think robot can destroy the whole city just only to catching i thief.
  5. Singer : Disagree, because robots voices is worser than human.
  6. Stork Clerk : Disagree, because we want to give chance  to people do thsis work.
  7. Taxi drivers : Agree, because with a system. robot can't drive a car with dangerously.
  8. Teacher : Disagree, because i think human is smarter than a robot, robot just a system than human made. 
Maybe just enough, thanks for reading my blog guys have you find what you want in my blog see yaaa...i will post something later. please feel happy to visit my blog again later..😊😍👏


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