Ask an Expert

Mr. Abdul Muhid SH, is student faculty of law at Tanjungpura University. He is became a student of quickest graduation ( Cumlaude ). Now, he is lawyer and expert in the law. that is the reason why i choose him and i think he is an expert.

Indra ( interviewer ) :
Good morning, Mr. Abdul Muhid SH, can we talk for a minute ?

Mr. Abdul Muhid ( Resource Person) :
Good Morning too, Of course.

Indra ( Interviewer ) :
Thank you, My name is Indra Amin Jaya, I am from Chemistry faculty of mathematics and natural science at Tanjungpura University. my purpose is interview with you about the your achivement became a student quickest graduation ( Cumlaude ) ?

Mr. Abdul Muhid SH ( Resorce Person ) :
A student cumlaude is a fantastic achivement. I feel very happy because i was able to graduate from college with cumlaude. surely this cannot be separated from the efforts and prayers of parent.

Indra ( Interviewer ) :
Among the many methods of learning. what methods do you use so that you can geta high score ?

Mr. Abdul Muhid ( Interviewer ) :
The methods i use is reading book because by reading books insight and my knowledge became separated, can be trained to think and analyze, and can improve focus and consertation high.

Indra ( Interviewer ) :
How much the average value of  a comulative performace indeks ( IPK )  thats you earn for being a student of university?

Mr. Abdul Muhid SH, ( Resource Person ) :
The average of IPK is 3,80-4,00.

Indra ( Interviewer ) :
Do you have other achivement ?

Mr. Abdul Muhid ( Resource Person ) :
I ever won the 1st champions of debate contest.

Indra ( interviewer ) :
okay, last question. What is your message of tanjungpura University, to be like you ?

Mr. Abdul Muhid ( Resource Person ) :
My message is that student of university should be more deligent in reading books, spirit and prayer to Allah.

Indra ( Resource Person ) :
Okay, Thank you. Mr. Abdul Muhid SH,


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