Expo Pendidikan Untan


HELLO my friends? What's up? well, Now i want to share my story when explored to Expo Pendidikan Untan in Auditorium.
in may 9 2017, i and three of my friends, they are Ervin Crespo, Umrotun,  dan septiani. we was visited at the same times interviews with some of the guard stand. Our purpose is to work on a task that has been given by miss Dini that interviewed stand AMCOR and UPT bahasa. okay my frieds, first, we visited was American Corner Untan. in AMCOR stand, there were some books, game, and each other. During there, i played game and photo with friends.
After that, we went to UPT bahasa stand. there were also sone books, and games of english, i try to played game but i failed.......hmmm. okay never mind...i said". i direct photo with smile.
Then, we visited BCLC stand. we wrote our dream in the next ten years on a sticky note. and also we took the photo be uploaded in instagram, and we got some souvenirs.
After that, we visited Teknik arsitek stand. there were miniature of Kapuas Hulu region. and we did'n forgot to take photo....hahahaha.
Next stand, we visited Fakultas Kehutanan Stand. there were some object thats antique.
And the next stand, we visited Studio Data FMIPA UNTAN. There were we only a fhoto.
and the last stand, we visited FMIPA stand, there were robot, game, we can experimen of chemistry  and each other.
Okay my friends, it's my report of Explored Expo Pendidikan Untan. Bye and see you again at the Expo Pendidikan Next.....


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